The admissions site explicitly states that GPA is 2/3 of admission weight, and the other 1/3 goes to test scores, your essay, and the rest. So to maximize your chances at Penn State, make sure your GPA is strong. The Honors College has a separate application you can access from the main Penn State 10/15/ · Penn State accepts the Common Application, the Coalition Application, and also offers their own admissions platform, MyPennState. Essay Questions Penn State requires two word supplemental essays for all applicants 8/15/ · Penn State offers more than majors, and its Division I sports teams compete in the Big Ten Conference. The Penn State application includes one optional essay for all applicants, three required essays for applicants to the Schreyer Honors College, and eight essays for the BS-MBA program in the Eberly College of Science
What You Need For Penn State: Admission Requirements
Founded inPennsylvania State University is a public research university with campuses throughout the state, penn state admissions essay. According to US NewsPenn State is currently ranked as the 57th best university in the country. Penn State offers more than majors, and its Division I sports teams compete in the Big Ten Conference.
The Penn State application includes one optional essay for all applicants, three required essays for applicants to the Penn state admissions essay Honors College, and eight essays for the BS-MBA program in the Eberly College of Science. The supplemental essays are a crucial part of your application, so you want to make sure you do your best to write strong responses to each prompt!
Want to know your chances at Penn State? Calculate your chances for free right now. Want to learn what Penn State will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Please tell us something about yourself, your experiences, or activities that you believe would reflect positively on your ability to succeed at Penn State. This is your opportunity to tell us something about yourself that is not already reflected in your application or academic records.
Prompt 1: We hear a lot about effective leadership but typically, leadership implies that there are followers. What is effective followership? Prompt 2: What is fairness in the world? Is merit always the pinnacle of fairness in education? Prompt 1: Why do you want to attend Penn State? Prompt 2: Select the scientific discipline above [below] that is MOST interesting to you.
Why do you want to devote 4 years of college studying it? Prompt 3: Inclusiveness and Diversity: In an increasingly global community, it is essential that students gain cultural competency. In what way have you demonstrated a commitment to this mission? Prompt 4: Goals: Discuss your career aspirations, penn state admissions essay.
Prompt 5: Leadership: Please discuss your leadership and collaboration skills. Give recent examples of how they have been demonstrated. Prompt 6: Resiliency: Transitioning to college can be a challenge. Discuss the adjustments you believe you will need to make in order to be successful as you transition from high school to a college environment, penn state admissions essay.
Prompt 7: Describe your biggest commitment. Prompt 8: Describe a time when you helped someone else succeed. While this essay is technically optional, we still strongly encourage all applicants to complete it. Writing an optional essay provides admissions officers with more information about you, helps your application stand out, and further expresses your interest in the college you are applying to.
A good response will contain a reflection on your experiences to demonstrate a specific personal quality that you think will set you up for success at Penn State. To brainstorm, penn state admissions essay, ask yourself: What do I need to succeed at Penn State?
What are my strengths? Almost any poor topic can be strengthened if you make it more specific:. Then, you can discuss how, at any college, but especially a big school like Penn State, forming a social network is crucial for academics study groups, peers to help with homework, collaborators for group projects, etc.
and for making the most of your college experience. Avoid focusing on an experience that virtually all applicants will share. However, you could write about an illness you faced that almost jeopardized your ability to succeed in school.
Through detailed storytelling, you could show the reader that you developed time-management skills and perseverance, which, as you can guess, are absolutely crucial for college success, penn state admissions essay. Great responses to this prompt can be quite personal since more formal academic and extracurricular activities might already be covered in your application.
Regardless of which aspect of your identity, experience, or activity you pick, be absolutely sure to avoid generalizing. Many students write a word essay that never uses specific examples. While these essays might sound smooth, penn state admissions essay, they are almost entirely composed of clichés and generalizations.
This experience has made me more appreciative of what I have, and more determined to give back. Note that these sentences do not refer to a specific instance or give concrete examples. They give a general description of one activity and then make generic, high-level assertions about the results of that activity.
A few words of caution: Some students will have too many things they want to squeeze into this essay. This essay should be focused and cohesive, telling a story that proves you can succeed in college. This essay turns the traditional leadership essay on its head. If there are some more unusual characteristics you can think of, like punctuality, or situational awareness, feel free to drop those things in as well.
You just want to make sure to support these definitions with examples from your own life. You want to primarily draw from your own experience, but if you know others whom you look up to for their effective followership, feel free to include those examples as inspirations to your own character. If you want to talk about a club you were a part of, talk about your commitment to it, despite not having any titled leadership positions. Maybe you always volunteered to work the booth at events, and were completely fine with doing the undignified logistics and planning work for others to shine.
Sports are also a penn state admissions essay thing to talk about. How did you help foster bonds within your team? Were you someone who always came in early to practice? Maybe you held a part time jobwhere you had to report to a manager. Lastly, you want to end on a note of resolution and growth. How did you grow from your time as an effective follower?
How do you see aspects of effective followership becoming a part of your college and post-college self? This essay is composed of two different parts. You want to begin with the first question, on fairness. Is there an example you can give, from your own life? Or a vision of fairness you have, for the world you live in, whether fairness in education or class mobility or access to information? So, is that fair? The second part of the question is also tricky, and requires serious thought on what you believe the objectives of education should be.
Education, specifically higher education, is often talked about as the ticket to upward mobility. The Schreyer Honors College is committed to educational equity and diversity.
Should we look at educational opportunity as solely merit-based? Or should there be other factors that are evaluated as well? This would be a great time to talk through your own experiences in education, and the ways that you have benefitted or have been disadvantaged from the kind of schooling and resources you had growing up.
You could also do some research on the demographics of higher education, or on the state of public education in America. Lastly, penn state admissions essay, you want penn state admissions essay tie your vision of fairness in education into your vision of fairness in the world.
Here, it would be great to, penn state admissions essay, bring in yourself. What kind of workforce do you see yourself going into? What kinds of conversations on fairness and equity do you want penn state admissions essay have in college? How do you want to bring about change?
Whether you discuss a specific program at Penn State that will help you achieve your goals, or simply explain how the values of the community will empower you, make sure you also connect your ideas back to Penn State. This essay wants you to think about your own personal growth, and how you are able to go above and beyond by getting out of your comfort zone. Schreyer Honors College is acknowledged as one of the top undergraduate programs in the United Statesand you want to demonstrate upstanding character and courage to paint yourself as an applicant who deserves a spot in the college.
If nothing comes to mind immediately, go through your extracurricular activities and work experiences. Was there a time in which you had to really stretch yourself?
Here are some examples:. If applicable, you could also think about your identity, and brainstorm moments you were made uncomfortable because of it. Did you ever feel out of place in certain social situations, whether because of your race, gender, sexuality, or class? Were you ever misunderstood by your family? Think about these moments of discomfort, and how you responded. And like the other essays, strong anecdotes are key to driving the narrative flow of the essay.
What are your goals, how are they pushing penn state admissions essay beyond your comfort zone, and how can Penn State and the Honors College support you? You could talk about your desire to research genome editing to prevent birth defects, as you have penn state admissions essay sibling with cleft palate.
You want to have these tough conversations to make sure this research is actually benefiting society, and you look forward to taking Science, penn state admissions essay, Ethics, Policy, and Law to learn about these implications. Due to the small word count, you will need to express interest in Penn State with room for naming only major things that you like about it.
As this prompt is given through the BS-MBA program, penn state admissions essay, penn state admissions essay should definitely focus on that at some point in the response. Because of the limited space, penn state admissions essay, it is not enough to respond to this prompt with generic sentiments about Penn State, such as location or its strong sports culture. These are a great place to start to gain a better understanding of the reality of being a student in this program.
If anything catches your eye, explore it further until you feel confident speaking about the opportunity in detail, and how it helps you achieve your goals. I look forward to dancing during Thon weekend to help bring awareness to and raise money for a cause I care so deeply about, penn state admissions essay. I plan to continue organizing events and initiatives that address this issue after college as well, by organizing non-profit concerts and corporate presentations.
With both a science background and a business-oriented skill set, I will amass the tools I need to continue bringing awareness to pediatric cancer cures and research.
READING THE ESSAYS THAT GOT ME INTO PENN // Common App and Supplemental Essays
, time: 10:41How to Write the Penn State Supplemental Essay

Penn admission committee is trying to identify how compatible you are with the community. One idea might not be enough here, however, ten will be too much. So, know the balance. For BS-MBA Program Applicants Only. Penn State supplemental essay objective is to identify your academic goals and ambitions. If a student does not provide any significant ambition or objective the application loses a lot 8/15/ · Penn State offers more than majors, and its Division I sports teams compete in the Big Ten Conference. The Penn State application includes one optional essay for all applicants, three required essays for applicants to the Schreyer Honors College, and eight essays for the BS-MBA program in the Eberly College of Science penn state university park admissions essay Arizona State University (commonly referred to as ASU or Arizona State) is a public metropolitan research university on five campuses across the Phoenix metropolitan area, and four regional learning centers throughout Arizona.. ASU is one of the largest public universities by enrollment in the U.S/10()
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