4/3/ · Accordingly, I have also a high aim of life, though I do not know how far I would be able to realize it. I do not want to run after money, nor after cheap fame or popularity. My aim in life is to get happiness for myself and also for others. To realize this aim, I have resolved to be a doctor and spend my life in the service of others. My role model is Dr. Imtiaz of service and contentment. He is a 5/1/ · Introduction On My Aim In Life Essay( words): Essay 1: My Aim in Life to become “A Doctor”( words): Essay 2: My Goal in Life to become “A Teacher Or Private Tutor In English”( words): Essay 3: My Aim in Life to become “A lawyer”( words): Essay 4: My Aim in Life to become “An Engineer”( words) 5/27/ · 10 Lines about My Aim in Life Essay in English The Aim is a target or purpose that every person has in life. It directs a person and motivates them to achieve them. Every Individual must set well-defined objectives to achieve in life. It helps them to understand the career path and A goal in life
My Aim in Life - For Every One
My Aim in Life. Everybody has some aims in life. It is very important. A life without an aim is life a boat without a rudder. But choosing a career in such a cut throat age of competition is really a difficult task.
Different people have different aims in their life according to their tastes and temperament. Some people want to become technocrats like doctors, engineers, scientists while many want to become bureaucrats life IAS, IPS AND IFS. Some dream to become educationists, while for others politics holds great attraction. A few are lured my aim in life essay short pursue their career in anti-social activates. There are people who have a craze to become poets, writers and novelists. To say, different peopledifferent choices.
I am not a highly ambitious man. I am modest by nature. I do not want to be a multi-millionaire. The profession of teaching has been very attractive to me. This has been my childhood dream. The sole aim of my life is to serve the society to become a good citizen, my aim in life essay short. To me teaching appears to be the best way to serve the society.
I belong to the lower middle class of society. Naturally, I have to face several difficulties in my life. The difficulties encountered during the journey of my life made me realize that lack of education is the biggest problem to which I will devote my life to spread literacy to every nook and corner of society so as to remove the my aim in life essay short of illiteracy.
It is a shame that one- fourth of our population still do not know how to read and write even after over six decades of independence. In terms of women education, the picture is all the more gloomy.
Unless we are educated we cannot make all around progress. I would be particularly sensitive to the needs of the weaker section of society. I would work hard to bring change my aim in life essay short their lives. When this section of society is educated, we will have a totally different society.
There will be no superstitions when they will be educated. I will always be available to attend their queries whatever arise. I will arrange extra classes for those who find it difficult to keep pace with the regular class.
He does not command the respect he deserves. This profession is looked down upon as of a lowly status. I will not be concerned for the earnings. I fill try my best to make the students good citizens. I will help them in broadening their outlook. So that India have good citizens to take it on the path of progress and prosperity in which everyone has a dignified life full of equality of opportunities. According to great educationist and our former president Dr.
The Choice of a Profession. The Profession I Want to Follow. Choosing a profession is not an easy task. So, the my aim in life essay short of a profession must be made very judiciously and that after long reflection and consultation with elders and other experienced people. After considering all the pros and cons of the matter, I have decided to become a doctor.
My main motivation came to me from the noble example set before me by my father. My father is a renowned doctor of the town. He has a heart of gold as he is filled with milk of human kindness. He pursues the profession of a doctor with a spirit of dedication. I want to follow in the footsteps of my father, my aim in life essay short. I am a brilliant student.
Biology is my favourite subject. I have a natural bent of mind for the medical courses. So, I have decided to become a doctor. I belong to a well-to-do family and my parents can easily pay my fees. My chief aim is to serve humanity. There is so much misery in the world. I want to mitigate it to whatever extent I can. I have decided that I will not charge heavy fees from patients.
May God help me in my venture! Aimless life is certainly a sin. Different people have different aims in life. Some aim at wealth, some at power, some at fame, some at business and some at education and knowledge. My aim is neither wealth nor fame. I wish to serve my country with the best of my talent. I love India and I really believe that everybody should put an effort to make it a great country.
I want to become a doctor. It is a noble profession. In medical line, there is much more scope of service. One can serve the patients everywhere in the country.
This is my personal choice. My parents have not compelled me to select it. I wish to become a very successful doctor in future, my aim in life essay short. So I am studying hard to achieve my target.
I have keen interest in the medical line, so I do not feel any trouble in studying at all. After obtaining the medical degree, I plan to work in rural areas where there is much shortage of doctors. My father is a well off man and I do not have any financial problem.
I do not have the lust for money. I will visit the rural areas and will help poor people. It would be best sort of service. This will give me extreme satisfaction and that is the aim of my life. I know, my profession is very dignified and it will help me to get peace and satisfaction in life. It provides one the best chances of service.
Aim of My Life. Every young man has an aim or ambition in life. A man without an aim cannot succeed. He cannot achieve his goal. In fact, it is an aim that makes a man active.
Without aim a man is a useless creature, my aim in life essay short. The aim of my life is to become a doctor.
There is a reason why I have chosen this career. Once one of my classmates fell it. As he was poor, he could not get proper medical aid. His condition grew worse day by day, my aim in life essay short. When I went to see him, he looked at me helplessly. After a few days of illness, he died. It gave me a terrible shock. I began to think about the suffering of people.
I decided to become a doctor and do some service to the sick people. I will study hard to qualify myself as a doctor. When I become a qualified doctor I will move to the country side and set up a dispensary there. I am sorry to say that doctors wish to live in cities.
An essay on My Aim in Life/Essay writing in English/Handwriting
, time: 5:59Short Essay On The Aim Of My Life

5/27/ · 10 Lines about My Aim in Life Essay in English The Aim is a target or purpose that every person has in life. It directs a person and motivates them to achieve them. Every Individual must set well-defined objectives to achieve in life. It helps them to understand the career path and A goal in life Essay on the My Aim in Life OR the Choice of Profession (Free to read). Everybody must have some aim in life. An aimless life is like a ship without a rudder. The choice of profession is no less important and difficult than the choice of one’s life partner. Having once chosen one’s profession and that too very judiciously and thoughtfully one must 10/25/ · Short Essay On The Aim Of My Life or Essay On If I Were Prime Minister Of India: Life is a Purposeful Path which ends at fixed Destination on the basis of how you traveled through the blogger.com Destination is based on Ambition which is a fixed point of life. Everyone has aim in their life, it doesn’t matter it is big or not, it is there present in everybody’s life
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