3/20/ · Here's how you should write this section: 1. Begin by discussing the research question and talking about whether it was answered in the research paper based on the results. 2. Highlight any unexpected and/or exciting results and link them to the research question. 3. Point out some previous studies and draw comparisons on how your study is differentEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins 7/4/ · The top of the first page of a research paper. It is always important to follow the institution guidelines accordingly. Introduction section comes after the abstract. The discussion section is often considered the most important part of your research paper because this is where blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins 4/7/ · Types of paragraphs: The first paragraph, in the blue bracket, I term the introduction to the discussion. This paragraph summarizes the key results of the paper (gray color) and relates them directly to the gap in the field that you sought to address with this blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
How to write the Discussion section in a qualitative paper? | Editage Insights
What is the discussion section of a research raper? The discussion section of research paper is thought to be the most essential part of a research paper. It demonstrates your abilities in critical thinking, analysis and evaluation, presenting solutions, and formulating a deeper understanding of the problem you are researching.
As mentioned in the previous section, your goal should be to address the research problem or question you tackled in your introduction.
You will incorporate the information you gathered from the testing phase of the research project. If you were to lookup an example of discussion in research paper you will find that this approach is standard. You are allowed to be creative but this is discouraged if you are submitting this assignment for academic review. Now that you have a better understanding of this section, you likely want to know how to write results and discussion in a research paper that will impress even the strictest professors.
Remind your reader of the question or problem you are researching, the methods you applied to conduct your study. Next, reiterate the most important finding of the study. Write clearly and concisely, using direct and declarative statements. There is no other person who has thought about your research study more so than you have.
This is why you are in a unique position to write an excellent discussion research paper. Explain why you believe the findings are important and what they mean towards the research problem at hand. No matter how original you believe your study is, there are likely dozens of related studies that answer similar questions or present different findings. The discussion in a research paper is your opportunity to implant yourself as a contributor to the field. Make a connection with other studies, especially if questions in other studies served to inspire your current research study.
One of the most important aspects of a research paper discussion is that it presents alternative explanations for the results you came up with. Your goal should be not to prove a point but to discover information that can be used in future studies. By thinking about different possible interpretations of the information in your findings, you open yourself up to unbiased reporting and a much better research paper.
Imagine having to sit in a room full of students when discussion section of a research paper professor calls you out on errors in your presentation.
It is to your advantage to acknowledge the limitations of your study before anyone reviews your work. Address any problems you encountered when you gathered your information. This is one of the most effective ways on how to write a discussion section of a research paper and make it credible.
Your discussion in research paper might fully explore the research question or problem you intended to focus on, but there is always room to reach out toward other areas. Make suggestions for further research. There are dozens of questions that may spring from your work and by acknowledging them you validate the importance of your work.
Make sure you reiterate your research questions and summarize your key findings. Instead, make a clear statement about the overall results related to the questions you brought up in the introduction and are the focus of your research study. When you look at the results from your study you might think that they are self-explanatory, discussion section of a research paper.
What is obvious to you is not obvious to everyone else. You must point out the significance of the results to others. Throughout your research you were likely inspired by the work of other scholars, discussion section of a research paper. You should make certain to relate to the work you referenced in your literature review.
Your discussion section in a research paper should show how the results from your study fit with prior knowledge in the field. No matter how well you have conducted your study, you are bound to have run into one or more limitations. This happens to the best scholars and researchers. Depending on the results and ensuing discussion, you should end this section with recommendations for further studies. These can also be made in the conclusion of your research paper, but if you want to achieve a sense of cohesion, then placing recommendations in the discussion section is preferable.
The discussion and conclusion in research paper serve different purposes, so you must know what those are. Unlike the discussion section, the conclusion section should restate your hypothesis and remind the reader of your main arguments and the strongest evidence and examples in support of them, discussion section of a research paper. Instead point to the larger implications or more significant issues your work can be used for.
The research paper discussion section can be tricky for those who have not had a lot of experience writing them for high school or intro courses in college. But eventually, every student will have to conduct some type of research study, and knowing how to discussion section of a research paper the discussion part of research paper is an essential skill they will need to master.
This is where we can help. We are a group of academic experts committed to helping students on all their academic assignments. We have free resources, including short guides, discussion section of a research paper, tip sheets, topic lists, and more.
Additionally, our academic paper writers can help you one-on-one with reviewing, editing, and writing any assignment in any discipline. So if you need a discussion section of a research paper example or would like us to take charge of your assignment, contact us today. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Skip to content. What Goes in the Discussion Section of a Research Paper? How to Write the Discussion Section of a Research Paper? Restate the Research Question and State the Most Important Findings Remind your reader of the question or problem you are researching, discussion section of a research paper, the methods you applied to conduct your study.
Always Think About Different Interpretations of Your Findings One of the most important aspects of a research paper discussion is that it presents alternative explanations for the results you came up with. Suggest more questions to further the conversation Your discussion in research paper might fully explore the research question or problem you intended to focus on, but there is always room to reach out toward other areas.
How to Start the Discussion Section of a Research Paper Summarize your major findings Make sure you reiterate your research questions and summarize your key findings. Give your interpretations When you look at the results from your study you might think that they are self-explanatory. Discuss the implications your study discussion section of a research paper Throughout your research you were likely inspired by the work of other scholars.
Give recommendations for future studies Depending on discussion section of a research paper results and ensuing discussion, you should end this section with recommendations for further studies.
Need Help with the Discussion Section of Research Paper? Previous: 60 Outstanding Depression Research Paper Topics. Next: 90 Top Shakespeare Research Topics For Every Student.
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How to Write a Discussion Section - Scribbr ��
, time: 3:52How to Write a Discussion Section | Checklist and Examples

4/7/ · Types of paragraphs: The first paragraph, in the blue bracket, I term the introduction to the discussion. This paragraph summarizes the key results of the paper (gray color) and relates them directly to the gap in the field that you sought to address with this blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins 3/20/ · Here's how you should write this section: 1. Begin by discussing the research question and talking about whether it was answered in the research paper based on the results. 2. Highlight any unexpected and/or exciting results and link them to the research question. 3. Point out some previous studies and draw comparisons on how your study is differentEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins 4/13/ · How to write a discussion section for a research paper? Step 1: Summarizing key findings. You need to begin writing the discussion section by stating the research problem. Step 2: Providing interpretations. Here, you need to clearly state the importance of your research for the reader. It Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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