2/25/ · Example Of Article Review On American Dreams. Studs Terkel documents the words of Stephen Cruz who is reminiscent of his past days from the time of college. Cruz, a Mexican immigrant, toiled hard to get the better of his contemporaries in work and joined a MNC after getting educated in management and engineering Sample format, Page 1 of 2 Sample Format For Reviewing A Journal Article Reading and summarizing a research article in the behavioral or medical sciences can be overwhelming. Below is a simple model to guide students through this process. Authors’ last names (year) conducted a study about _____. The 5/31/ · (Steele blogger.com, ) Article review. The study described in the article attempts to demonstrate that precarious employment conditions force women to procrastinate first childbirth till age Below here there are the short summary of this article and its evaluation, focused on the choice of variables, the article structure and the study results
Article Review Examples
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. How to Write an Article Review Writing an article reviewwhich is also sometimes referred to as an article critique, is a special type of writing that involves reading an article and then providing the reader with your personal take on its content.
In general, article review essays should start with a heading that includes a citation of the sources that are being reviewed. The first paragraph, which is the introduction to the article reviewshould provide a summary of the article highlights. This summary should not provide every last detail about the article being reviewed.
Rather, it should only discuss the most important details. If you find yourself carrying on or needing more than one paragraph to write your summary, you need to revisit the paragraph and find ways to trim down the length of your summary.
Following the brief summary of your articleyou will then need to explain why the article is significant. Questions you should ask yourself when writing these paragraphs include: Does the article fill a void within the literature that already exists on the topic? Will the information contained within this article cause other people The participants are recovering from an illness associated with the heart and it is very important that these patients learn about stress and how to cope with the circumstances.
The article also touches on the models of attention and awareness developed by Brown and Ryan Lastly it summaries the Sharipo, Carlson, Astin and Freedman theorywhich focuses on three concepts which include theorized intention, article review report sample, attention and attitude.
The authors believe that all three of these concepts reflect mindfulness. The article explores various constructs that have been developed to measure mindfulness. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis IPA is a qualitative approach that studies mindfulness in health psychology research. The article goes Outline of the Article Review Please include the following categories in your article review. Full Bibliographic Reference -3 if missing 2.
Very Brief Summary 4 4. Results 8 5. Class Readings 4 6. Contributions 8 7. Foundation 4 8. Impact 9 Questions 6 Annotated Bibliography -5 if missing Citation Analysis Appendix 6 In addition, you can lose points if your review is too short or poorly edited. See the Grading Notes section above. Full Bibliographic Reference State the full bibliographic reference for the article you are reviewing authors, title, journal name, volume, article review report sample, issue, year, page numbers, article review report sample, etc.
Important: this is not the bibliography listed at the end of the articlerather the citation of the article itself! Grading: -3 if missing Quantitative Article Review : An Investigation of the Effect of Class Size on Student Academic Achievement by Melvin V, article review report sample.
Borland, Roy M. Howsen, and Michelle W. Trawick The following review is two-fold in its purpose. The first part includes a summary related to the purpose of the study, selection of participants, type of research design, method of data collection, type of statistical analysis used, article review report sample the results.
The second part includes an analysis with suggestions for further research, discussion of validity, criticisms, and implication of findings. Borland, Howsen, article review report sample, and Trawick determined that there were four factors hindering the outcomes of previous studies related to class size and student achievement The purpose of their study was to determine the effects of class size on student achievement without the four hindering factors article review report sample in previous studies.
Furthermore, the researcher states that their study shows the relationship between class size and student achievement is not only non-linear, but also non-monotonic. The participants involved in this study were students from the Kentucky Department of Education, article review report sample, and included 30, third grade students enrolled at the end of the academic year.
All students enrolled as third graders in this state were included in this study and variables related to teacher data, and student data were merged, and included in the statistical analysis. This study is an Title of the Article : Taking Responsibility 2. Author: Patrick Guntensperger 3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article.
I have chosen this article because I concerned about the environment. Not everybody can have a good way on taking responsibility to the environment; and this article shows us how to do it.
Therefore, article review report sample, I want to know what I have to do as my planetary liabilities. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about. This article tells us that nowadays, people and industries do not really care about the sustainability of the resources they have exploited.
The profit to be made is comes first. There are three types of resources; they are renewable resources, partially renewable resources, and nonrenewable resource. Regardless the types of resources, the exploiting agents have their own obligation. Industries may get an enormous profit by exploiting the fossil fuels; but, it is killing softly the environment of our planet. Based on my analysis, what the writer tried to say is that human, as the actor behind the exploitation of natural resources, is actually CITY TACKLES HOW TO ELIMINATE POLLUTERS The article was written by Katherine Poythers and was posted on July 28, According to the author of the articleNational City, a suburb in An Diego County leaders try to convince both homeowners and business owners to work together to get rid of the businesses that pose health and safety hazards to their neighbors.
The main reason for the eviction is because National City is known to be one of the cities that have the highest asthma rates in San Diego County, which the coalition attributes to the fact that pollutants producing industrial businesses are intermingled with homes, schools, article review report sample, and parks. Therefore, article review report sample, the Environmental Health Coalition and several parents of Kimball Elementary School students want the city to eliminate polluters near the school immediately.
The City Council has pass a law known as an Amortization Ordinance to provide for the removal of businesses that do not conform with new zoning codes. Now the city begins the difficult task of prioritizing which businesses to eliminate first, and how. This latest report features a ranked list of businesses that no longer conform to approve land uses in National City.
This article is reliable and can be considered as accurate in terms of its quality that is the wording, tone and a credible website. It is a recent article which addresses some of the issues the environment is facing especially pollution. A similar approach has been taken by the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and in certain modules in Nanyang Technological University and the Singapore Management Article review report sample. The author feels that the new grading system would be effective for the students to concentrate on learning and not on the final grade.
The main gist of the article is that when an education system forces its students to be graded, the students would focus more on getting good grades than actually learning, meaning that it is possible for students to study hard just for tests and exams, article review report sample, but forget what they had learnt after they graduate.
Thus, article review report sample, by introducing a system where students are not pressurized to do well, the freshmen are able to be more adventurous in their freshman year as there is no fear of failing the module.
It also serves as a period of time for them to adapt to university life which may be a big leap forward from their previous educational experiences. In paragraphs 12 to 14, the author has also stated that the freshmen of the Yong Loo Lin School of Article review report sample have been under this plan article review report sample The Albemarle Regional Health Services in Perquimans County offers informative education about obesity.
The background provides the ability to educate patients and family with the skills needed to self-manage his or her health. Patients with obesity issues can expect to live a full and productive life, however; changes in lifestyle and diet are necessary. The Albemarle Regional Health focuses on teaching patients the proper ways of making the alterations easier so as article review report sample maintain a healthy lifestyle. Community Health Issue and How the Community is Affected Obesity has and always will be in the general category of a serious health issue throughout the United States.
The concern for childhood obesity have grown to a government level requiring action to help children to eat healthy and encourage physical activity. One of the causes for childhood obesity is the calorie intake and calories utilized. Several factors such as genetics, behavioral and environmental can enhance the chances of childhood obesity. The concerns for childhood obesity have grown as well as the number of children suffering from this condition.
The importance is to educate parents and children on eating healthy. This is an Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Sample Article Review. Sample Article Review Topics: Peer reviewDecision makingScientific journal Pages: 4 words Published: January 4, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Essay about How to Write an Article Review Read Article review report sample. Qualitative Article Review Essay Essay article review report sample Guideline for Article Review Quantitative Article Review Essay Article Review Essay Review on an Article Essay Essay about Article reviews article review Essay
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, time: 6:57Article Review Example - Write an A+ Grade Paper – blogger.com
2/25/ · Example Of Article Review On American Dreams. Studs Terkel documents the words of Stephen Cruz who is reminiscent of his past days from the time of college. Cruz, a Mexican immigrant, toiled hard to get the better of his contemporaries in work and joined a MNC after getting educated in management and engineering Sample format, Page 1 of 2 Sample Format For Reviewing A Journal Article Reading and summarizing a research article in the behavioral or medical sciences can be overwhelming. Below is a simple model to guide students through this process. Authors’ last names (year) conducted a study about _____. The 5/31/ · (Steele blogger.com, ) Article review. The study described in the article attempts to demonstrate that precarious employment conditions force women to procrastinate first childbirth till age Below here there are the short summary of this article and its evaluation, focused on the choice of variables, the article structure and the study results
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